Home > Tree Services And Shrub Care Blog > Finding the Ideal Spots for Tree Planting

Enjoying an afternoon under a nice shade tree always starts with the planting of a seed or sapling. In order to help your shade or fruit trees grow to their full maturity, the most important decision you can make for them is where to plant them in the first place! Here at Hudson Tree Services, we have worked with a lot of trees that could have better withstood problems or not caused issues if they were simply planted in a different spot. When you are thinking of planting trees, there are a few factors that you should consider.

look for a good spot for your tree planting

The quality of your soil should be top on your list. While many trees can glean even the smallest amount of nutrients from poor soil, there are also many that will starve and shrivel. A local arborist can help you identify where and what type of tree planting would be ideal for your own yard by looking at location and soil composition.

If you are lucky enough to have nutrient-rich soil, you will want to look for a good spot for your tree planting. This can mean a couple of things. You might want to strategically place your trees for shade or where you think they will look best in the yard. Additionally, finding a good spot for your tree also means avoiding structures, sidewalks, power and plumbing lines, etc. when the tree and roots are growing. Checking with local power lines and getting city permits can help you avoid planting your tree too close to power, sewer or septic lines.

Tree planting is often more complicated than people realize. If you are stuck trying to find a good spot for your trees, contact us here at Hudson Tree Services.